Life Safety Dampers are critical components in HVAC systems, particularly when it comes to managing smoke and fire hazards in commercial buildings. These dampers, governed by the International Building Code (IBC), are equipped as required with fusible links, temperature sensors, smoke detectors, and actuators that are meticulously tested alongside the damper model to ensure they can withstand extreme conditions, such as high temperatures of 250 to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here’s a breakdown of different damper types:

- Fire Dampers: Close in response to heat to prevent the spread of flames, maintaining fire-resistant zones (UL 555).
- Smoke Dampers: These prevent the spread of smoke through HVAC systems by limiting leakage when they close upon smoke detection (UL 555S).
- Combination Fire-Smoke Dampers (FSD): Offer dual protection, closing in response to both fire and smoke, making them ideal for high-risk areas. They carry both UL 555 and 555S ratings.
- Ceiling Radiation Dampers (CRD): Reduce radiant heat transfer into floor or roof-ceiling assemblies, protecting the ceiling membrane. Unlike fire dampers, these are not tested to close against dynamic airflow but limit heat transfer through lighter gauge materials.
Each damper plays a key role in building safety, ensuring compliance with fire and safety codes.
For more information on how life safety dampers can fit into your HVAC system, reach out to your Dorse and Company representative.
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